Friday, May 29, 2020
Using Essay Topics on Common Sense
Using Essay Topics on Common Sense The Start of Essay Topics on Common Sense Vanessa's essay succeeds on several fronts. In general, she has written a fine essay, but it is not without a few short-comings. The cost of an essay rides on the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. When it has to do with application essay prompts the goal isn't to find an autobiographical story from the applicant it's far more important to relay how the. The best target of the definition essay is to concentrate on the definition of the subject. Whichever essay option you select, bear in mind the use of the essay. Don't be afraid to get some excess aid to turn your paper stick out! It is recommended to look for the one which has a fantastic reputation and offers high-quality papers at economical prices. Surprisingly, this feature creates this paper easier at the exact moment. But don't be scared in the event you end up not able to write them. People from all around the world have united inside this county to find the freedom they've dreamed of, but if we stay connected with Britain these dreams won't ever come true and there'll never be freedom for mankind. There isn't a prompt to direct you, and that means you must ask yourself the questions that will get at the center of the story you wish to tell. It's an essay type in which you concentrate on explaining and breaking down a meaning of a single word. Also, make certain to check at the word in a sentence to be conscious of the way it relates to other words. After people learn of the achievements that firearms can obtain, many people today continue to be against them as they have the capability to take somebody's life. When thinking about the range of gun deaths within this aspect, it's surprising that individuals worry more on the subject of gun deaths than any other kind of death, despite the fact that there are different things that kill more frequently than guns do. What a lot of people do not understand is that guns do not kill because many people as most believe. There have been many studies done in order to show how they use guns as protection. In addition, there are daily practice activities on our FB pag e. Citations and extracts from several sources have to be formatted properly. Consider offering some practical strategies about how to take notes or the way to participate in the material. Wheelan source to function as a source. The solution is rather simple. The issue of understanding the significance of the Second Amendment was brought before many courts all over America and has been ruled upon in various ways at several times. Common sense, it's been said, is the most uncommon thing on earth. It is not always common to everyone. In truth, it is more comfortable to write about something you understand well and something you're sure about than digging into the info that was received from another person. Some things are simply obvious. As you finalize your topic choice, make certain to select a process you've completed many occasions and that you could explain to another person. Opening to a fantastic starting point. The Upside to Essay Topics on Common Sense This kind of essay is destined to concentrate on the sequence of an event and the consequence of it. To prevent such incidents, it's advised to finish an outline to understand how paragraphs ought to be arranged in order to supply a smooth and consistent transition. Seems to be a hard job to select topics. Both the previous sentence `the qualities of an instance of the introduction the intro sentence and a an esol have to accomplish a very good thesis. Things You Won't Like About Essay Topics on Common Sense and Things You Will Therefore, people may view psychology for a tool employed to show the trustworthiness of common sense. This system permits you to practice both the abilities and learn about these significant topics. You're attempting to show colleges your very best self, therefore it might appear counterintuitive to willingly acknowledge a time you struggled. However, some things that seem obvious to a person may appear obscure to another if they're from another culture, religion or background. Possessing relevant vocabulary for each topic will offer you a huge advantage. Combining the preceding conclusions with the typical account of primary qualities requires that primary qualities immaterailism exist besides the mind and just in the mind. It isn't an effortless sort of essay as your understanding of the subject needs to be based not just on the info you receive from someone else but mostly on your own experience. Her essay could be speaking about handiwork, but additionally it is providing evidence of her capacity to manage the challenges of college-level work. When it has to do with an expository essay, bear in mind that it's aimed at an estimation of the subject from your perspective. For a student who doesn't investigate correctly, it is quite simple to become confused and to mix up definitions or explanations. Nonetheless, psychological explanation may also be employed to prove certain common sense beliefs that are true. Any individual who displays attributes w hich are outside both standard deviation limits is psychologically abnormal. Many times it's been shown to be very powerful and result in significant changes in society. In the end, the progressive character of research usually means that new data is regularly generated, meaning today's averages may not be the identical tomorrow. American Revolution after 1763 There are many factors causing the American Revolution. Use the purchase calculator below and begin!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Literary Elements Of Bram Stoker s Dracula - 2026 Words
Vampire stories introduce the reader to mystery and suspense and also very interesting effects, but did you know that the story of Dracula has plenty of literary elements that better help the reader analyze and understand the story better than before. Dracula is a Vampire/Victorian book that expresses a lot of elements for example: symbolism. Literary terms such as gothic and romantics are terms used to discuss, classify, and analyze novels, poetry, and books like Dracula. These terms are the most important aspects in a piece of work. Throughout the book: Dracula many terms are present to discuss or classify the author’s work that will lift the reader knowledge. Literary terms are defined as: the writer’s message in a simple manner to the†¦show more content†¦Jonathan even says that he has become a prisoner. These gothic elements are elements that represent the dark features of the book that are happening to Jonathan and what he is going through. Round characters are throughout the story, and all play a significant role during the story. Jonathan, Mina, and Dr.Seward are all round characters that make a significant impact on the story. The round characters play a significant and impactful part, throughout the story. For example, when Mina Harker was in the process of becoming a vampire in Chapter 26 she guides and helps the group consisting of Jonathan, Mina, Seward, Vanhelsing, Arthur, and Quincey Morris track down Dracula so they can have the jump on him. â€Å"All day long we have traveled...†(Stoker 393). This shows that Mina has given them information on Dracula and join them in the journey. The group finds and kills him to set Mina soul free. Dr. Seward is seen as a doctor who helped Mina and Lucy to save one of their lives. The quote shows that round characters play a big part in the story. Jonathan throughout the story evolves. Jonathan’s actions prove a round character plays a major role throughout th e book even though some may not even notice. But they play a role that can change up the whole story. The round character has to develop like Mina did. The use of romantics helps mold the story together. By being displaying during the duration of the story it allows better understanding. ThereShow MoreRelatedLiterary Elements Of Bram Stoker s Dracula1994 Words  | 8 Pagesinteresting, but did you know that the story of Dracula has plenty of literary elements that better help the reader analyze and understand the story better than before. Dracula is a Vampire/Victorian book that expresses a lot of elements for example: symbolism. Literary terms are terms used to discuss, classify, and analyze novels, poetry, and books like Dracula. These terms are the most important aspects in a piece of work. Throughout the book: Dracula many terms are present to discuss or classifyRead MoreWeaknesses Of Dracula1674 Words  | 7 Pageswho sparkles? Dracula was written in 1897 and is the first piece of literature that includes vampires and sets up the characteristics of future vampires. Dozen of works of literature has been created based off o f the creature in Dracula for example the novel Twilight and as time goes on literature has tweaked some of the vampire’s traits, powers and weaknesses. Dracula is a gothic novel with gothic elements such as a decaying setting and supernatural beings or monsters. Bram Stoker is an author fromRead More Intertextual Exchange in Carmilla, Dracula and the Historian1639 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Writers seldom duplicate their influential precursor(s); rather, they often work within a certain framework established by other writers or generic conventions, but vary aspects of it in significant ways†(Friedman 155). Sheridan Le Fanu’s, Carmilla, Bram Stoker’s, Dracula and Elizabeth Kostova’s, The Historian, clearly engage in this intertextual exchange, as evidenced by their use of narrative structure and striking character parallels. Published in 1872, Le Fanu relates the story of CarmillaRead MoreGothic Elements And Gothic Elements In Bram Stokers Dracula2068 Words  | 9 PagesGothic Elements in Dracula A Gothic novel is one which incorporates all the modes of literature such as horror, the setting, suspense, superstition, atmosphere, horror etc. In the story Dracula the author shows these traits in various sections of the story that makes it a lot more interesting and it is one of the main characteristics beside the various other features that makes this story great. Dracula is a story by Mr. Bram Stoker during the Victorian era where Count Dracula is the antagonistRead MoreGothic Elements In Dracula Essay1499 Words  | 6 PagesBram Stoker s Dracula is a staple of the Gothic Horror genre. It is a novel that has been scrutinized by countless readers since it was published in 1897. While Stoker s novel is certainly not the first example of a piece of gothic horror, or even the first example of a gothic horror story focusing categorically on vampires, it still managed to plenarily capture the attention of the public. But not only did Dracula enthrall the readers of its time, but it perpetuated to be a mainstay of the gothicRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1035 Words  | 5 PagesHyde-ing In Plain Sight: The Duality of Dr. Jekyll Robert Louis Stevenson s initial notoriety came as an avatar of expansive adventure fiction, most famously through 1883 s Treasure Island. Just three years later, however, he would cement his status as one of the 19th century s most popular and versatile writers by releasing the horror suspense novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It s a testament to Stevenson s concept of the duality of man-- the pious intellectual and the wantonRead MoreComparing Bram Stoker’s Dracula and the 1972 Film Blacula Essay1917 Words  | 8 PagesBram Stoker’s Dracula is not only a classic story of men and monsters, but a dramatic reactionary work to the perceived threats to Victorian society in nineteenth century England. In modern times there have been many film adaptations of the novel, each developing a unique analysis or criticism of the literary text within the framework of the society and time period in which it was created. The 1972 film Blacula is one of the most culturally specific variations on the story of Dracula, and highlightsRead MoreEnglish Source Doc.7581 Words  | 31 PagesTitle: Dracula: Stoker s Response to the New Woman Author(s): Carol A. Senf Publication Details: Victorian Studies 26.1 (Autumn 1982): p33-49. Source: Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Jessica Bomarito and Russel Whitaker. Vol. 156. Detroit: Gale, 2006. From Literature Resource Center. Document Type: Critical essay Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale, COPYRIGHT 2007 Gale, Cengage Learning Full Text: [(essay date autumn 1982) In the following essay, Senf contends that, contraryRead MoreLiterary Origins, Cultural Relevance, And Documentary Techniques2930 Words  | 12 PagesRebecca Holland Visual Anthropology Dracula and Friends - Literary Origins, Cultural Relevance, and Documentary Techniques in the Cinematic Space of the American Vampire Film Beginning with a debut in American cinema in 1927 (1), the vampire has enjoyed a long and illustrious cinematic sojourn that has tracked a number of changes in his or her appearance, demeanor, personality, style of undeath, and relationship to humankind. At first an intimate invader, then a source of terror to be loathedRead MoreGraphic In Comic Books And Graphic Novelsbram1158 Words  | 5 Pages Page:of 10 Graphic BleedVampires in comic books and graphic novelsBram Stoker’s Dracula #1 (1992). Panel art by Mike Mingola.Since the 18th century, Vampires have ultimatelytranscended narrativeboundaries and genre divides. The Vampiresub- †culturehasflourishes in neo gothic aesthetics in science fiction and fantasy,in romantic and young adultliteratureand incelluloid. Vampiregraphic
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Free No Essay Scholarships For College
<h1>Free No Essay Scholarships For College</h1><p>There are free no article grants for school for the individuals who come up short on the fundamental application, exposition, and execution papers to be granted any cash. This doesn't imply that there are no grants out there. Most by far of undergrads will have those parts of the application procedure dealt with. In the event that you are school destined and need cash to get yourself through school, you may not be qualified for these no exposition grants for universities that don't require an essay.</p><p></p><p>That is on the grounds that most school applications don't require a last, proficient evaluation. They'll permit you to utilize a PC or an advanced mobile phone to round out the application and submit it. They may give you the choice to get cash by means of charge or Visa, or be furnished with a check. Or on the other hand, they may give you a parcel of valuable, scholastic help materi al in a PDF group, which you can download at home and print. That way, you don't need to finish the application yourself.</p><p></p><p>If you are acknowledged for one of these school grants, you might be asked to present a short article depicting for what good reason you might want to go to school, or why you are a decent contender for the grant. This is simply to decide whether you are equipped for the grant, or on the off chance that it is even worth seeking after. Likewise, your paper may need to contain four passages, which must be submitted to the school confirmations office as a PDF document.</p><p></p><p>They will request that you complete these structures in a specific measure of time, in some cases inside a couple of hours. On the off chance that you have to submit more than one application, they will take about a similar measure of time. On the off chance that you are truly wanting to get acknowledged, you can apply for them all and return and re-present every one with various evaluations and composing styles.</p><p></p><p>The application is really not an intense one. Actually, in the event that you have taken some school courses and expertise to round out an application, you can finish it yourself. You can utilize a PC and perhaps an eBook peruser, or only an electronic magazine like the one your folks send you, which has all the data that is expected to finish the application. It is, truth be told, simple. The greater part of the understudies who have just presented their application had only a smidgen of experience composing a paper, so it truly shouldn't be unreasonably hard for you.</p><p></p><p>In a similar way, on the off chance that you are a decent possibility for a grant, your exposition should be superb. You can submit it to the same number of schools as you like and continue accepting installments. It is essentially similar to turning into an i nvestor for a school or college, dealing with all the desk work and getting paid for it.</p><p></p><p>There are no necessities, other than having taken some school courses and realizing how to compose an article. It is a tad of a speculating game, however you'll likely do fine and dandy. One of these no paper grants for school can even compensation your educational cost for that semester.</p>
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Key to Successful the Use of Force Essay Topics
<h1> The Key to Successful the Use of Force Essay Topics </h1> <h2>Facts, Fiction and the Use of Force Essay Topics </h2> <p>If police didn't have the right or the capacity to utilize compel it could prompt wounds and passings to individuals from our police power on a standard premise. Basically, obligation for a cop is to defend the great from the awful. General society anticipates that police should comprehend when to apply appropriate utilization of power and the best approach to avoid exorbitant use power. Military officials will most likely inquire. </p> <h2> The Key to Successful the Use of Force Essay Topics </h2> <p>In different words, a proposition article recognizes an issue and recommends a solution for that issue. The aftereffects of the exploration is a conspicuous support of these gadgets. The issue of whether it's reasonable or not is the significant idea with respect to the utilization of dangerous power. We conten d this supposition has caused a misdiagnosis of the issue, and by augmentation, arrangements that won't carry out the responsibility. </p> <h2> All About the Use of Force Essay Topics</h2> <p>State and government law allows the utilization of savage power to keep away from a getaway in the occasion the official accepts the speculate represents a significant danger, (CBC News). The absolute first segment of the audit gives a short depiction of the Riverside County police administration in america. Studies uncover that over 45% of police use utilizing power excessively far. The utilization of Force There are examples once the police are made to utilize power. </p> <p>Guidelines for the use of power There are various rules for the utilization of power, which fluctuate here and there and circumstance to circumstance, there's not widespread standard and rule for the whole of power utilized in a particular occasion. It must be noticed this is definitely not a basic issue to deal with. It's unmistakably difficult to think about an answer once the inquiry changes dependent on who you pose. The criminal equity framework must keep up a high level of honesty so as to get the open's trust. </p> <p>Thus, the event of an obvious demonstration is fundamental for evidentiary and procedural reasons in spite of the fact that the clear demonstration need not in any way, shape or form be the point of the trick (Doyle, 2010). The standards controlling utilizing destructive power have changed significantly over ongoing years. It's very simple to utilize together with clear as crystal. For a degenerate demonstration to happen. </p> <p>In hate of that, utilizing power given the conditions the measure of judgment and ensuing utilization of power should be sensible. Contend the greatest deal you've at any point got. The amount of power utilized has a close relationship with the risk from the crook and it's restricted to the ba se power important to complete the given objective ( Hickman, 2006). The main way to avoid such sorts of issues by methods for power is to get a capture warrant or discover the conviction from the court before making a move against somebody who's suspected. </p> <p>There are heaps of qualities that could help decide the view of police. In any case, it's essential for your area of expertise to have a comprehensive utilization of power arrangement to help officials making split-second, critical choices in hazardous conditions. This has come about because of a considerable lot of particular components including initiative inside law authorization office, new innovation, and much better preparing for officials. Late reviews show extremely low degrees of trust in the experts in many nations in the zone. </p> <p>Unlawful shootings by police are unbelievably uncommon. The attitude of shoot-to-slaughter suggests an official should be set up to utilize their firearm, to execute whether the circumstance gains out of power. The utilization of savage power by the police is an issue that has been a critical conversation point through late years. The constabulary official is at that work environment and watch over the people who pays her or his pay. </p> <h2>Things You Won't Like About the Use of Force Essay Topics and Things You Will </h2> <p>Law requirement ought to watch their standards so they offer you the resident assurance in any capacity the occasions. The utilization of power during capture is a unimaginably critical issue, now and again it causes claims, which are generally hard to deal with. There are a great deal of laws overseeing the use of power by the specialists. The individual who knows the US law implementation framework somewhat better will say th ere is a government police. </p> <p>Now you have a thought about what a proposition exposition is and the best approach to pick the suitable subject to make your own article, underneath are a few instances of proposition paper points. Remember, proposition papers fill a need outside scholarly world. Since they are a kind of contentious paper, you need to be certain the exposition is deserving of a contention. A factious article expects you to pick a subject and have a situation on it. </p> <h2>What You Should Do to Find Out About the Use of Force Essay Topics Before You're Left Behind </h2> <p>Using the two images plainly shows the incongruity of the condition and the manner by which they differentiate each other while attempting to achieve a helpful objective that is too fix a little young lady. While incongruity is used to differentiate the loss of humankind the use of images fortifies the most significant subject. A few people today accept poli ce ought not be able to utilize power, paying little heed to what the situation. The foremost subject of the story is the use of power in the relational relations of people. </p>
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Inconsistancies of Life in In The Canterbury Tales and...
In The Canterbury Tales, composed by Geoffrey Chaucer, the fundamental topic of the tales is the inconsistency of human life  satisfaction and suffering are never far separated from one another, and no one is truly safe from experiencing a tragedy. When an individuals fortunes are up, other individuals are down. This issue is expressed by the pattern of the narrative, in which depictions of favorable luck are immediately followed by disasters, and characters are subject to memorable inversions of fortune. Geoffrey Chaucer is known for being a breath of fresh air in the realm of fourteenth century literature. He is witty and amusing, while handling determinedly serious subjects, such as assault or the defilement of religious figures. There is a double dose of narrating in his Canterbury Tales: both the pilgrims and the stories they tell, give amusement to the audience. The most significant part of Canterbury Tales is that, once translated into Modern English, todays readers ca n still relate. Triviality, desire, and insatiability, and the rest of the seven destructive sins, are fascinating and simple for individuals to handle at the same time. For instance, The Knights Tale is a romance that embodies the motifs, themes, and beliefs of cultured affection: love is similar to a sickness that can change the lovers physical appearance, the dangers one encounters just to win support of his lady. The lovers are sleepless because they are tormented by their affection, and for a
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Hooks For A College Essay About Football
<h1>Hooks For A College Essay About Football</h1><p>If you have a school paper about football, ensure that you have an assortment of snares for a school article about football. Numerous school papers contain one topic which is a specific game. The goal of your article will rely upon the game. On the off chance that it isn't soccer, suppose, at that point you should investigate something increasingly customary, similar to history or political science.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous approaches to consolidate snares for a school paper about football. They might be applicable to the game. Or on the other hand they may simply be dark realities about the game. They could be a tale or a clever occurrence. Or on the other hand you may utilize statistics.</p><p></p><p>The least demanding approach to incorporate a guide is to go into the game at a specific time. You should consider when the game was well known and what occurred . Perhaps it was a paramount occasion in your life. Or then again perhaps you are concentrating how the game changed things. Consider what changed in the game. Do you feel that the quarterback was taller?</p><p></p><p>The snare for the school article about football will likewise rely upon what your subject is. On the off chance that it is a background marked by the game, there are a few different ways to incorporate an occasion. Maybe you are taking a gander at how the player's worth was influenced by the impact of the group. Maybe you should take a gander at changes that occurred over time.</p><p></p><p>If you are composing a school exposition about football, one of the most valuable snares for a school article about football is measurements. Insights will show you the players who were the best at their position. Possibly they were the best quarterbacks or recipients. There is some proportion of a player's worth dependent on insights. So in the event that you are concentrating how the game changed additional time, you will likely find that there were changes in the statistics.</p><p></p><p>When composing a school exposition about football, you have to consider what is generally imperative to you. On the off chance that you believe that you are keen on insights, you will find that measurements will be valuable to you. Furthermore, on the off chance that you might want to think about the historical backdrop of the game, you will find that history will help you.</p><p></p><p>Some schools give a rundown of snares to a school exposition about football. This will give you thoughts on the best way to incorporate the historical backdrop of the game, measurements, and your very own advantages. Take a gander at these snares for a school paper about football and choose which of them would be generally helpful to you.</p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Essay Topics About the Civil War
<h1>Essay Topics About the Civil War</h1><p>When composing a paper about the Civil War, it is useful to consider the subjects that you need to cover and to utilize this rundown of points for a decent article. One of the principal things that an understudy needs to recall is that the person in question must be very careful in utilizing the hotspots for data. Common War sources will fluctuate so regularly, you have to know your realities and recognize what the sources are that you use.</p><p></p><p>The primary themes to consider when composing a Civil War to exposition are subjugation, the expulsion of the slaves, the possibilities of withdrawal, the improvement of another general public, opposition and different government offices. These are for the most part subjects that can be investigated top to bottom when the understudy investigates them throughout the years. The presentation should concentrate on these points to keep the understudy keen on expounding on them over the span of the examination and the writing.</p><p></p><p>There are a few key components to have when composing a paper on the Civil War. The absolute most significant are the information and source the board, the beginning of the war, the finish of the war, and the historical backdrop of the Union and the Confederacy. These things are essential to recall as the understudy approaches composing a Civil War to essay.</p><p></p><p>One of the things that an understudy ought to consider is the way to assemble the information and hotspots for a Civil War to article. This is a basic piece of the paper. Understudies should utilize information sources, which will assist them with making their paper progressively proficient and enlightening. The source the executives is additionally significant when composing a Civil War to article since they should realize how to assemble information and they should realize how to ut ilize it appropriately.</p><p></p><p>Another subject that an understudy needs to consider when composing a Civil War to exposition is the beginning of the war. Understudies ought to return to the start of the war and afterward take a gander toward the start of the Civil War. They ought to return to the time before Abraham Lincoln was chosen and comprehends what he was doing.</p><p></p><p>The last theme that an understudy ought to consider when composing a Civil War to paper is the finish of the war. The last focal point that understudies should take a gander at in this circumstance is the finish of the war and how Abraham Lincoln had the option to do it. They ought to likewise consider the choices made by Lincoln after the finish of the war.</p><p></p><p>Using an exposition about the Civil War is an incredible decision for understudies since they can increase important understanding about the contention. An unde rstudy ought to consistently be cautious in utilizing data sources and be certain that the information is utilized suitably. It is additionally significant for understudies to understand that this data isn't something that can be printed for history class; it isn't something that can be utilized for banter in school.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous subjects that an understudy can expound on when composing a Civil War to article. The understudy ought to choose what points to take a gander at and how much time to spend on the material. These choices are significant in light of the fact that the understudy needs to build up a decent paper and the person in question needs to build up an exposition that is effective.</p>
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Improving Students Descriptive Writing Through Cue Cards
Improving Students’ Descriptive Writing through Cue Cards INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background English is a universal language. Therefore, everyone in this world uses English in order to communicate with other people from different country with different mother tongue. Besides to communicate with other people easily, another reason why people use English is because English is used in all aspects, such as business, education, politic, etc. In Indonesia, English is regarded as a foreign language which is mostly used in business field. English is considered as an important language since by mastering English, people can get higher salary and have better opportunities. Meanwhile, in education sector, it is taught as a compulsory subject. It is taught†¦show more content†¦Written communication refers to an action of delivering information through written words. Furthermore, in education sector, writing has an important role to fulfill one of the learners’ English skills. Students are expected to be able to write good writing. Hosseini (2013) put forward after graduation, someone’s ability to show himself well on paper will help him secure a job or higher education chances. This research finding is also supported by Hansen s (2002) which states, â€Å"Academicians and business people view writing skill as crucial, yet increasing numbers of these professionals note a steady attrition in the writing ab ilities of graduates.†Based on those statements, students are expected to be a good writer because writing is not only used in school, but also it has an important role to determine their future. In discussing the importance of writing to learning, Suleiman (2000) asserts that â€Å"writing is a central element of language, any reading and language arts program must consider the multidimensional nature of writing in instructional practices, assessment procedures, and language development.†Moreover, Myles (2002) states that through experience, writing skill must be practiced and learned because it is not a naturally acquired skill – learned in formal instructional settings. Accordingly, writing is taught in schools. However, as one of the language skills, writing is often ignored. Some studentsShow MoreRelatedHow Can Literature Be Used to Support and Develop Language and Literacy for Students in the Primary Years? Rationalise the Use of the Text (Chosen Literature) and Literature More Generally for Developing Language and3026 Words  | 13 PagesHow can literature be used to support and develop language and literacy for students in the primary years? 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Stress Major free essay sample
Effects Stress stems from many different sources and important effects on persons who experience it. Stress and health: the silent killer Stress plays some role in 50-70% of all physical illness included some of the most serious and life-threatening ailments known to medical science: heart disease, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries( ulcers(), and even diabetes. Immune system: the mechanism through which our bodies recognize and destroy potentially harmful substances and intruders, such as bacteria, viruses, and cancerous cells. Prolonged exposure to stress can interfere with immune system,and exposed to inescapable shocks demonstrate reduced production of lymphocytes. Disruptions in interpersonal relationships Loneliness Academic pressure Daily hassles The lack of social support A study: The effects of social stability on the immune system of monkeys Social support, such as affiliate be an important buffer against the adverse effects of chronic stress. Optimism, regular exercise, and feelings of control over stressful events (effective ways of dealing with their stresses) are associated with reduced suppression of immune system under stress. We will write a custom essay sample on Stress Major or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Stress and task performance Even relatively low low levels of Stress becomes distracting, and performance actually drops in todays complex work world. People experiencing stress may focus on the unpleasant feelings and emotions it involves, rather than on the task at hand. Prolonged or repeated exposure to mild levels of stress may exert harmful effects on health. As arousal increases, task performance may rise at first, but that at inflection point ( depend to an important extent on the complexity of the task performance ) it falls. *These effects are often most evident among people who are under reminders pressure to perform well. ?still, some people are able to rise to the occasion at times when stress in intense. Individual differences in resistance to stress: optimism and pessimism Optimist People have general expectancies for good outcomesmore stress-resistant Pessimist People have general expectancies for poor outcomes Contrasting Strategies for Coping with Stress By Optimists Problem-focused coping Making specific plans for dealing with the source of stress; implementing such plans Refraining from other activities until the Suppressing competing activities problem is solved and stress is reduced Seeking social support. Problem over with others By Pessimists Denial/ distancing. Obtaining the advice of others; talking the Ignoring the problem or source of stress; refusing to believe that it exists or is important Disengaging from the goal. Being blocked by the stresses Giving up on reaching the goal that goal that is Focusing on the expression of feelings. Letting off steam instead of working on the problem directly Men and women differ in terms of their choice of coping strategies Men Problem- focused coping Female Seeking social support from friends or to engage emotion-focused strategies
The Case Study about KASE Manufacturing Company Costing
Question: Discuss the Case Study about KASE Manufacturing Company Costing ? Answer: Introduction: Costing is a method or a technique that is uses by companies to assign, classified, allocate and arrange the cost to each resource driver and each element of costing and overheads in a manufacturing company. Costing technique must be effective as an effective and significant costing technique offers which offers the required data, fact sheet and information to the managers and the company for managing the orders, reducing the waste and minimizing the cost. Costing techniques are always used by every production house to enhance the profits and minimize the losses to achieve the goals and enhance the worth of the production house. This report has been prepared to analyze the trading costing method and activity costing method. This report depicts about the deficiencies of both the techniques. Further the case study has been used as a proof to support the arguments. This report also depict about the factors of management accounting which are used by a firm to analyze the right technique according to the nature of the firm. More, benefits, limitation etc has been analyzed of activity based costing to understand the costing concept easily. Case study Summary: The given case study depict about the KASE manufacturing company which offers a various range of cheese to its customers. Case study depicts that before 15 years company used to produce only 3 types of cheese but currently it is manufacturing various products. Due to extra production, company has faced many issues such as extra machinery charges, low maintenance and reduction of profitability of the production house. The head manager of the company depicted that the sales increment is the only option to enhance the profit. The production manager has identified that due to traditional costing system, they are not able to get the exact data and thus the bas decisions are making an impact over the overall profitability of the company. Through this case study it has been identified that the company must make the change into the costing technique to analyze the impact of new costing technique over the profitability of the company. So activity based costing technique has been analyzed over the figures and data of the company. Traditional costing system: Traditional costing system is oldest technique among all the techniques of cost accounting. This technique is used by the production house and companies to assign allocate and classify the cost to each cost driver and element of cost accounting. This technique does not take a look over the depth information of the production house. It assigns all the cost to the cost center according to the average rate of overhead. This method suggests the company to draw all the indirect overhead and other overhead cost into the production department. This method only uses one cost driver to apply all the cost equally to every product. Deficiencies: The main crisis with this technique is its method of assigning. It assigns the entire indirect cost under the production head and it makes an impact over the cost of production by increasing it. This technique influences the decision of the managers regarding the cost (Garrison et al, 2010). In ABC technique, firstly entire cost is assigned to cost centers and then it assigns to the products. Through analyzing the case study of KAVE manufacturing company, it has been identified that the traditional costing system is not in favor of the company. Due to this costing method, company has faced many issues such as reduction in profits, low maintenance and other issues. It has been found that this technique do not provide the accurate figures to the managers and so that the decision of the company get manipulated. Activity based costing system: Activity based costing is newest technique of costing. It resolves all the manufacture houses actions related with the industrialized and manufacturing of a product. This technique consigns the overhead cost to each cost center and activity according to the operations and nature of cost and the other elements. It establishes the correct cost of the manufacture house and cost per unit. This technique is used by the production houses to diminish and supervise the inaccuracy in transferring the cost to each and every cost center and element. Through this technique, entire costs are firstly assigned to cost centers and after that the products or services (Rasiah, 2011). The transmission system of ABC technique is totally different from traditional costing. Deficiencies: The main crisis with this technique is the complexity while assigning the cost to each cost center. It assigns the cost with depth information and according to the nature of the cost and it are quite more time and cost consuming. It makes an impact over the cost of the company. This technique influences the decision of the managers regarding the cost and profit (Garrison et al, 2010). In traditional costing technique, the entire cost is assigned according to the average cost. In case of KAVE manufacturing company it has been analyzed that the technique is quite more time consuming but at the same time it is required for the company to make better decisions about the production. This costing technique totally suits the nature and operations of the company. Factors of management accounting: As discussed above the KAVE manufacturing company must consider the following points to analyze that whether company must adopt the ABC system or should use the traditional costing system continuously. For taking this decision company must consider the following points: Nature: Nature of the company is the main element to identify before analyzing about the costing technique of the company. Nature of the company depicts that which technique would be appropriate for the company to allocate and assign the cost. In KAVE manufacturing, the nature of the company is totally manufacturing which depict that the company must choose the activity based costing as the traditional costing system would not be appropriate to meet all the requirement of the company and thus it would manipulate the decision about the production of the company (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 2015). Amount: The costing technique also depends over the total costing amount of the company. If the amount is not bigger than management is suggested to go for traditional accounting system but if the amount is bigger than company must go for ABC technique. In KAVE manufacturing, the costing amount of the company is quite bigger so the company must choose the activity based costing as the traditional costing system would not be appropriate to meet all the requirement of the company and thus it would manipulate the decision about the production of the company (Rasiah, 2011). Rigidness of employees: As KAVE manufacturing limited is using the traditional costing method from last 15 years. So it becomes difficult for the employees to understand the new technique and work according to the new technique suddenly. So the management must have a discussion with the employees of the company and make changes over the techniques accordingly (Kaplan Anderson, 2013). Number of products: The costing technique also depends over the total number of products and the units of the company. If the number of products is not bigger than management is suggested to go for traditional accounting system but if the number of products is bigger than company must go for ABC technique. In KAVE manufacturing, the total number of products of the company is quite bigger so the company must choose the activity based costing as the traditional costing system would not be appropriate to meet all the requirement of the company and thus it would manipulate the decision about the production of the company (Hopper, Northcott Scapens, 2007). Thus it could be concluded that the company must go for activity based costing as the resulted data of ABC costing is quite better then the result form traditional costing system. The benefits, limitations of ABC are as follows: Benefit: This ABC technique helps the company and management to classify the cost as per product or service. This ABC technique is quite effortless to recognize, appreciate and concern about the practical life. This technique is quite less time consuming and cost consuming technique than the traditional costing technique (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 2015). It makes differentiation among the services or products of manufacturing house according to the obligatory resources and nature. This ABC technique enhances the prosperity and profit of a production house. It resolves about the productive as well as non productive activities of the company (Hansen, Mowen Madison, 2010). Cost: The calculations of the company depict that there are huge difference between the amount depicted by traditional costing method and activity based method. It depicts that the activity based costing is the best technique for the company as it would help the company to resolve all the issues and the profitability of the company would enhanced due to this technique (Silvi, Bartolini Hines, 2007). Limitation: This ABC technique might give negative or inappropriate result. This ABC technique has many errors. This ABC technique uses depth information to analyze the data (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 2015). Manipulates the decision. Challenging technique Summary: Through the above calculations and analysis, it has been found that the Kase Company is a manufacturing company of Cheese. Earlier company just used to 3 types of cheese but currently it is manufacturing various products. Due to extra production, company has faced many issues such as extra machinery charges, low maintenance and reduction of profitability of the production house. Through this case study it has been identified that the company must make the change into the costing technique to analyze the impact of new costing technique over the profitability of the company (DRURY, 2013). So activity based costing technique has been analyzed over the figures and data of the company. Traditional costing system technique is used by the production house and companies to assign allocate and classify the cost to each cost driver and element of cost accounting. This technique does not take a look over the depth information of the production house. It assigns all the cost to the cost center according to the average rate of overhead whereas Activity based costing resolves all the manufacture houses actions related with the industrialized and manufacturing of a product (Hansen, Mowen Guan, 2007). This technique consigns the overhead cost to each cost center and activity according to the operations and nature of cost and the other elements. It establishes the correct cost of the manufacture house and cost per unit. Through analyzing the data and figures of the company, it has been analyzed that if company would consider the traditional costing rather than ABC technique than the assignment of cost to the cost centers would be different. It has been found that if the cost would be assigned to the cost centers according to the ABC costing method than the wages, building cost, depreciation, consumables, energy and other cost would be assign to the cost center according to their nature whereas in traditional costing method, the cost is allocated to the centers according to a common proportion. Through the calculation of activity and resource drivers, it has been identified that the expenses of production activities of the company would be assigned to the activities of the company to identify the cost of each activity. For it, traditional costing system depict entire expenses could be assigned to the activities according to a common rate whereas the activity based costing technique depict that the expenses must be assigned according to the nature and operations of the company. With the help of calculations, it has been analyzed that expenses has been assigned to the activities according to the labor time and floor areas used by the particular process or activity. Further, it has been depicted that the cost per unit through both the techniques are quite different from each other. The reason behind being the different result is the different techniques and method (Marshall, McManus Viele, 2011). Traditional costing method is the old technique which do not uses depth information about the activities and assigns the cost according to the common overhead rate whereas the activity based costing analyzes every activity, their nature and their processing system to assign the cost and thus the cost per unit is different in both the techniques. More, the Cheddars activity and its activity drivers have been analyzed to understand the ABC costing more. It has been analyzed through this study that every activity of cheddar process is different and thus the cost of the production has been allocated to those activities according to their structure, nature, time, machinery uses, labor hours, and electricity uses etc (Langfield-Smith, 2008). It helps the production department to understand that which activity is more cost consuming and what could be done to control over that cost. It has been found that if the same procedure has been followed by the traditional costing system then the result would be different and the calculation will not be that much complex as well as the provided result would also be complex (Bhimani, Horngren, Datar Foster, 2008). Further, the same procedure has been done with Mascarpone cheese to understand the difference between ABC and traditional costing system. It has been analyzed through this study that every activity of Mascarpone process is different and thus the cost of the production has been allocated to those activities according to their structure, nature, time, machinery uses, labor hours, and electricity uses etc (Horngren, 2009). It helps the production department to understand that which activity is more cost consuming and what could be done to control over that cost. It has been found that if the same procedure has been followed by the traditional costing system then the result would be different and the calculation will not be that much complex as well as the provided result would also be complex. Thus it could be concluded that KAVE Manufacturing Company must implement ABC technique to settle every issue faced by the company. This technique must be carried by the company according to the requirement of production and nature of the operations. Conclusion: Both the techniques of costing system i.e. traditional costing system and activity based costing system are essential for a business to investigate entire cost of each cost center and element. ABC technique is the best method for KAVE manufacturing company. It has been initiated that there was huge issues in traditional technique, so ABC is suggested to KAVE to make changes. These costing techniques help the company and manager of the company to make decisions in a better way regarding the production, cost of each costing element, cost per unit, etc. Thus it could be concluded that KAVE Manufacturing Company must implement ABC technique to settle every issue faced by the company. This technique must be carried by the company according to the requirement of production and nature of the operations. References: Bhimani, A., Horngren, C. T., Datar, S. M., Foster, G. (2008).Management and cost accounting(Vol. 1). Pearson Education. DRURY, C. M. 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Rasiah, D. (2011). Why Activity Based Costing (ABC) is still tagging behind the traditional costing in Malaysia?.Journal of Applied Finance and Banking,1(1), 83. Silvi, R., Bartolini, M., Hines, P. (2007). Strategic cost management and lean thinking: A framework for management accounting. Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel, P. D., Kieso, D. E. (2015).Financial Managerial Accounting. John Wiley Sons.
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